Film Review: ‘Middle School: The Worst Year of My Life’


Hey, guys! So, I’ve watched this movie two days ago and yeah, it’s pretty good. It’s an adaption from the best-seller book series Middle School by James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts. Directed by Steve Carr. It’s about a boy who has wild imaginations and he express them by drawing them onto his sketchbook. Well, he also has a slight problem with authority so he and his best friend, Leo went on an adventure of trying to break every single rule of his new school.
rafe k.
Griffin Gluck  as Rafe Khatchadorian

Rafe is the boy who got kicked out of two schools until his single mother, Jules (Lauren Graham) enrolls him at Hills Village Middle School where students are expected to follow every rule in the school’s Code of Conduct. And may I say some of the rules are really unnecessary like ‘No outside food’? Unbelievable.

Hills Village Middle School is a ‘prison’ to Rafe so it’s either to lay low or try to escape by breaking the rules. Rafe is a troubled child and maybe he feels a bit lonely. The fact that he’s gonna deal with his soon-to-be stepdad, Carl aka Bear, constantly being bullied by Miller the Killer and the biggest bully in his new school is Principal Dwight who dramatically throw away Rafe’s sketchbook into a bucket of acid, destroying that poor boy’s dream and cool sci-fi characters that he drew. In spite of all these problem, maybe teaming up with his best friend, Leonardo the Silent and break the rules could be his way of keeping his mind off the real world.

leo k.
Thomas Barbusca as Leo
Andy Daly as Principal Dwight
Rob Riggle as Bear
jeanne g.
Isabela Moner as Jeanne Galleta

Or maybe, it’s to impress a certain girl who tries to make a difference.

Either way, he’s just trying to survive middle school. Through out the movie we can see some heart warming moments between Rafe and his mom and even though Rafe’s little sister, Georgia can be bratty and annoying sometimes, he still loves her. You can see that when Rafe made a promise to her that he’ll stay out of trouble or Bear will send him to some kind of military school. He just couldn’t let his sister face Bear alone.

georgia k.
Alexa Nisenson as Georgia

Anyway, Rafe and Leo tries to break every rule before the upcoming exam which hilariously called B.L.A.A.R. Unfortunately, Principle Dwight suspended Mr. Teller’s class from taking the exam because he somehow discover proves that they’re behind all those rules breaking and fired Mr. Teller without any rational reason so that Dwight can keep his school on top of the statistic. Seems pretty unfair to me. Rafe tries to reason with Principal Dwight by telling him the truth that he’s behind the operation ‘Rules Aren’t For Everyone’ so that he could unsuspended his classmates and get Mr. Teller his job back but sadly Principal Dwight still sticks to his ‘principles’.

Towards the end of the movie, Rafe teams up with his classmates and figure out a plan to put Principal Dwight in his place. Luckily, Jeanne set up a hidden camera that caught Principal Dwight faked the proves by putting balls, sticky notes, hair dye in the students’ locker. With that, everything is solved. And the good news is Rafe’s mom finally noticed how big of a selfish jerk Bear is and dumped him. And they all live happily ever after. Well, except Principal Dwight and Bear maybe.

Operation R.A.F.E begins
So the moral of the story is don’t follow the rules! Nahh, I’m just kidding. The rules are there to keep us in line. If there’re no rules, the world would be a total chaos. On the contrary, schools that don’t let their students express their creativity are just ridiculous. Every person has the right to express themselves. It doesn’t matter how. It could be through drawings like Rafe or public speaking and speeches like Jeanne or poems, lyrics in a song or anything. So, keeping a diary isn’t a ‘crime’, people. If you can’t express your feelings towards somebody or that you’re too shy to talk to somebody, write it down on a piece of paper or paint it on a canvas. Don’t keep it inside you, LET IT OUT.
Oh, and i hope Steve Carr directed the rest of the book series. So, that is all. Till next time! Bye-nee!

This or That

this or that
Hey guys! Thank you for keep reading my blog. I appreciate it very much! I hope that my blog could give you positive vibes and I’m very happy if it did so. So, today we’re just gonna play a classic game of This or That. It’s a very simple game actually, nothing complicated; you just have to choose between This…or That and then see the result of what kind of person you are. Other than 20 Questions Game, you can also use this method to get to know somebody. So, yeah, that’s pretty much it. Okay! Let’s start!

#1 Vanilla or Chocolate?

#2 Glasses or Contacts?

#3 Books or Movies?

#4 Vintage or Modern?

#5 Video games or Board games?

#6 Phone Call or Text Message?

#7 Dogs or Cats?

#8 Traditional or Digital Art?

#9 Coffee or Tea?

#10 Genre: Action or Romance?

#11 McDonald or KFC?

#12 Cakes or Cookies?

#13 iOS or Android?

#14 Cartoons or Live Action?

#15 Gold or Silver?

#16 Instagram or Snapchat?

#17 Short hair or Long hair?

#18 WeChat or Whatsapp?

#19 Netflix or YouTube?

#20 Candlelit Dinner or Picnic under the Stars?

Alright! Now let’s see the results.




You know, it really doesn’t matter what you choose, you’re perfect just the way you are. Be proud of that curves. Learn to fall in love with yourself,and everybody else will eventually love you! True, your choices make you who you are and as long as you know that it’s the right choice, just go with it. Sometimes, you make the wrong choices but it’s okay. Learn from your mistakes and try again. Don’t give up and keep moving forward. Make an awful lot of choices and live you life to the fullest. That’s all for this entry. Stay tuned for more next Friday. Bye-nee!